Hemes bags - dreams, dreams. But, if you can't buy the leather bag, you can make paper one. Hermes offered the pattern of their famous Kelly bag. They removed the pattern from their site, but download it here.
Fortunatelly, the Jige clasp is still available on their site - here is the link to pdf file.
Just in case Hermes update their site and remove patterns, here is the file (pdf).
Have fun!
Read more "DIY Hermes paper bags to download"
I have small garden around my house, mostly flowers and smaller bushes. One part is reserved for vegetables. Have to say, not very successful -still didn't win the war against snails who are devouring everything green. Among few plants resistant to snails is sage (Salvia Officinalis) and I am proud to say the sage bush in my garden is more than meter and half wide and I was challenged to use sage in some other way than for tea or as a spice.
So, I decided to macerate the sage and use it afterwards for aromatherapy.
How to macerate sage (and other plants)
Macerating is rather simple process. I collected sage leaves (in the morning), put them in the jar and pour virgin olive oil over the leaves (some other vegetable oil could be used as well). I will put the jar on sunny place, leave it for 4 weeks ( shake it daily). After that period, I will remove leaves and filter the oil. I am very curious about the result. At least, i will learn something new.
Read more "Macerate sage (and other plants)"