Dec 24, 2013

Angels around us

I love angels and secretly hoping there is at least one taking care about me and helping me with all my issues. I don't particularly like the common image of angels, prefer some unusual ways to create them. Anyway, who can tell us for sure how the angels look like? I made these for the kitchen, with little magnets glued on the back.

Found some  interesting ones on the net.

Simple but lovely angels from this site.

For this adorable paper angel you can find tutorial.

These are my favourite, I found them (together with the tut) on the
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Dec 16, 2013

Patchwork bag

Never enough bags and purses. Designers' ones are too expensive for me, so occasionally I make them myself. This one is made by the pattern of Marcy Tilton I bought on Vogue patterns (this is not any advertising post). Used fabric scraps I found at home to play a little (it was realy fun) and add vibrancy to the bag.

Some more photos of the bag:

And this is the original:

Tips I learned making the patchwork bag

I used different fabric for the bag and, although I followed the instructions, the bottom didn't stay flat when caring the bag - had to put plastic (cut of the old plastic file)  under the lining to 'fasten' it.

Vogue patterns are different compared to Burda patterns, so read the instructions. main difference is that Burda patterns are drawn with the sewing lines while on the Vogue pattern you have 'cutting' line (with the seam allowance already included) and the sewing line. I have to say, Burda pattern is more suitable for me.

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Dec 8, 2013

Alter Christmas door wreath

Holidays season is coming, time to wrap up the year (again, so soon), decorate home, make/buy gifts, bake cookies, hang  Christmas wreath on a door. Could it be a little bit different this year? Something original, upcycled, funny? I found some very awesome wreath on the net, see if you could use the idea.

This ideas I found here. I love the ties wreath, as tie originally comes from Croatia.

For this minimalistic wreath made from toilet paper roles, you can find tutorial how to make wreath.

This one is made from straw.

Easy to make, but very effective. Love it (found here.)

With the combination of various colors, this wreath is suitable for all seasons. Learn how to make it, it is fun.
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