Back from holidays, spent two weeks on the Adriatic seaside. It was good to get away from high temperature to the coast and enjoy swimming in the warm sea water. I love to craft something even when I am out of the town. This year I was refurbishing some furniture in our summer house and making plans to decorate the apartment - cushions are so great to add sent of romance or create certain filling. I made this one and other two few month ago, put them on (refurbished) sofa and enjoy them during this vacations. And this is tutorial how to make such cushions - very easy and very quick, no buttons or zip.
Tutorial how to sew cushion or pillow case
Size of the cushion: 40 x 40 cm
- cotton fabric
- strip fabric leftovers
You can see the scheme of the cushion - cut off three parts (because of the diagonal ribbons; otherwise, you don't need to cut the parts). Be aware that seam allowances are NOT included in the scheme. Mark diagonal on the one 40x40 cm part. Cut on diagonal.
Cut off two ribbons out of different fabric (3 cm wide, add seam allowances). Sew the first ribbon on the cut off parts and the second one above (on the right side).
Sew another 40x40 cm part on one side and 40x18 cm on the other side of the ribbon part.
Make borders and turn a shorter part inside as on the photo and sew 'left' and 'right' sides together.
Cuchion case is finished - just put the pillow insert inside. On the photo you can see the backside of the cushion.
Read more "Play with cushions"