Jul 13, 2012

Paper mache necklace



          Paper is one of the most versatile materials. I've always been fascinated with paper products of all kinds - notes, bags, toys, paper sheets, jewelry, serviettes, … What fabulous things could be made of a simple paper sheet - just look for origami or paper mache or scrap booking.

 Recognize the situation: dressed up, in a hurry, hubby is freaking out, but you can't find adequate piece of jewelry - necklace, brooch or earrings? It is time to end such stories - make beautiful pieces by yourself.  It is easy and fun to design and make original jewelry and costs almost nothing.

Read tutorial how to make this paper-mache necklace.

Paper mache necklace tutorial


Paper mache is one of my favorite ways to design and create, offering me so many combinations. This is one of the necklaces I made to celebrate spring and flourishing of the nature.  You'll see how it's easy to be creative and imaginative.

Material for the necklace: old newspapers, white flour, water, white glue (optional), wooden sticks (or toothpicks); string - I bought one, but you can use rope, wool, leader or any other thread by your choice. Optionally, you can add other beads to the necklace.

 Step 1: Make paper mache paste:  mix together 1 part flour to 2 parts water - You'll get better result if you add smaller amounts of water and flour stirring constantly. It should be the consistency of thick glue, but also runny. Add more water or flour if necessary. Stir  well to remove any lumps. I also add a spoon of white glue, but it is not necessary. I usually put paste in the covered jar - it could be used for a  few days (put it in the fridge when you don't need it). You can always make a new one, if you don't have time to finish your piece in a few days, it is rather fast and cheep, so don't make too much of it.

Step 2: Rip paper (eg. old newspapers or magazine) into small, narrow pieces. Tearing produces a smoother result then cutting. (For this necklace I ripped pieces cca 1-1,5 cm x 8cm) .

Step 3:  Roll out pieces around the stick - wooden, plastic, metal (to make the hole on the bead). Be aware that the hole on your bead will be the same diameter of your rolling object .  Put the paper in the paste (one side) and for the first piece, side that is clean (without paste) turn to stick avoiding that the bead is glued to the stick.

  Take another piece, put it in the paper mache paste and then roll on the first piece - continue until you are happy with the size of the bead. Don't worry if the shape is not perfect - you can experiment with different sizes and shapes - just change the size of paper pieces and the way you roll them around. Tip: Don't forget to move bead slightly left-right and to turn it around to avoid it to be glued to the stick.

 Step 4: When you are happy with the bead, put the stick with it into sponge or foam and let it dry – at least for a day, it depends on the temperature and humidity. And, from time to time,  move bead left-right not to be glued for the stick. If you new to this technique, make few beads, let them dry and see if you are happy with them or would like to change size or shape. Tip: If you are new to this technique, make few beads, let them dry and see if you are happy with them or would like to change size or shape. Experiment with the size or shape. Once you are satisfied, make as many as you need. Don't worry if you'll need additional - you can always make new ones.

 Step 5: My favorite step: process, color, decorate beads according to your idea. Dry beads can be sanded, cut or processed in other ways. You can use acrylic paint (I usually use those ones as they are water based and brushes are very easily cleaned with water). But you can use other types of paint, varnish or even nail polish. At the end, you can add layer of transparent varnish to achieve better gloss. I used red acrylic paint and Tulip 3D paint for additional layer.

Step 6: Now that you have finished your beads it is time to design your necklace - arrange beads you made (and additional ones, charms, materials, ...) on the table to see how it looks like. Once you are happy, string the beads on the thread. For this necklace I mixed beads I made with the ones I bought.

 Step 7: You can finish the necklace by making simple knot with the two ends of the thread. Or, you can use jewelry clasps and connectors as I did. Just put a drop of the glue into the coil connector and tuck in the thread until the end is flush with the top of coil near the loop, allow some time to dry. I made tho threads, and put connectors on each thread end. Then I put those connectors (their loops) onto two small rings - the same way you put key onto the ring. And finally, put the lobster clasp onto one ring.

Step 8: Enjoy wearing your necklace!

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