Showing posts with label Jewelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jewelry. Show all posts

Dec 23, 2014

Steampunk brooch in a half an hour

It is amazing how you can use junk and scraps to make extraodinary things. For this brooch I used fabric scraps and old watches I bought on flee markt. Few stitches, hot glue and brooch pin - and brooch is don...
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Jul 1, 2014

Felted birds brooch - multipurpose

Birds are singing all day long in my garden and i can't help it but make few felted birds brooches to put them on my purse or wear them as brooches. Read this tutorial below to see how it is easy to make them. Tutorial how to make felted birds brooch Material Besides felt and fabric scraps, I used small buttons for eyes, double-sided...
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Feb 20, 2013

Felted birds

Spring is near, birds are coming back!                                   Spring is near (I do hope so, although  snow is forecasted in Zagreb for this week), birds are coming back soon. After black/grey/brown season,  bring some...
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Oct 26, 2012

Paper bead jewelry

I am always working on few parallel projects. Sometimes it is OK, I need to rethink about the next step or simply, wait for paint to dry. But sometimes, I am eager to finish everything and have too much on the agenda. I am writing this because I was frustrated this morning when remember that started paper bead necklace few month...
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